Looking to Enroll?

Now is the perfect time to enroll with a 99% acceptance rate during open enrollment! Open Enrollment closes at 4:00PM on April 30th. Don’t miss your chance!

Completing the open enrollment application for eAchieve does not commit individuals to attend; they retain the option to decide whether or not to enroll after acceptance.

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We look forward to working with you and your family!

Notes regarding the application process

Applications decision cannot be disclosed until after the open enrollment period closes April 30th. You will receive a decision email from Jan West which will include a determination letter once the application process is completed.

Students in grades 10-12: You will be asked to submit your transcript when completing the online registration form after your application has been approved.

We know that there can be a lot of questions throughout the enrollment process. Contact us at khagen@waukesha.k12.wi.us or give us a call at 262-970-3561 so we can help you enroll at eAchieve!