What does a Day in the Life of an eAchieve Elementary Student Look Like?
Some virtual charter school's require many hours of attendance each day, while other's don't require any. eAchieve offers some required live sessions and plenty of time to work on your own schedule. Here is a sample 5th grade weekly plan:

Let's take a closer look at Wednesday's schedule:

A 3rd grader would start their day at 8:45 with their learning coach, logging into their programs and reviewing their schedule for the day. Their school day begins at 9:15 am with their morning community meeting. They then have some time from 9:45 AM until 10:15 AM to work independently. On Wednesdays, students might choose to check their math from the previous day or work on their online math program, to get their minds focused on math for their 10:30 AM math lesson.
At 10:15, students hop into Zoom and do a fun 'brain break' activity with their teacher and classmates, and then transition to their math lesson at 10:30 AM. For our younger learners, the learning coach would stay with them during the lesson, to help them navigate the chat feature and the lesson materials, while our 3rd-5th graders will most likely work with their teacher independently from their learning coach.
At 11:00, students can choose to stay in Zoom and work on their assignments (on Wednesday it would be a math assignment) in their "guided practice" session. Students may choose to work on their own or do something else at this time, but it is helpful for many families to stay and get things done right after the lesson!
After the optional guided practice session, students return to Zoom for their small group sessions in literacy or math. These groups of 2-4 students focus on specific skill-building strategies as well as providing more personalized learning and student to student interaction. Think of this as when a small group reads with their teacher at the back table, only we do this virtually in Zoom.
After lunch and some downtime, students work independently on whatever they have on their learning plan. This most likely means doing some reading and submitting an assignment for practice in SeeSaw (our literacy workflow program) or in Zearn (our math workflow program).
With their learning coach's help, they will check their calendar in the morning to see if they have a 1:1 meeting with their teacher and then plan on re-joining Zoom at that time.
Most students wrap things up for the day in the early afternoon and take full advantage of the flexibility that eAchieve offers!