eAchieve Academy offers many NCAA-approved online courses for high school athletes
Did you know that eAchieve graduates “world-class” athletes, musicians, dancers, and other performers each year? Do you want to pursue your dreams while receiving a “world-class” education at your own pace? eAchieve Academy’s 24-7 learning model lets you learn anytime and anywhere while you reach for the stars!
eAchieve Academy is honored to provide an educational alternative for talented student-athletes pursuing their dreams. As part of our commitment to these students, we are an official National Collegiate Athletic Association-approved online instruction provider. We offer a range of NCAA-approved core courses for high school students, helping student-athletes reach NCAA course requirements.
How does the NCAA approval process work at eAchieve Academy?
Students must demonstrate consistent learning throughout the semester, which means students will need to work in their classes for at least 9 of the 18 weeks. In other words, students can't complete an NCAA-approved core class in a few days at the end of the semester.
Students need to engage with and have regular interaction with their teachers for the purpose of learning. Engagement and interaction may look different for each class. Examples include (but are not limited to) responding to emails, responding to feedback on assignments, and participating in class discussions.